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The 573 Mommy Makeover Contest is back!

You may not be changing the world or spearheading the latest social cause, but you’re a warrior in our eyes all the same!

When do you get your piece of the pie?

Overcoming the obstacles in your daily life, eating untold buckets of slime, taking care of all those around you — don’t you deserve some “ME” time for a change? When do you get your piece of the pie? 573 Magazine is coming to the rescue!


CONTESTANT #1: Ashleigh

I am a full-time mommy to a handsome little one-year-old boy. I also work and go to school full-time! I am new at this mommy thing, so life has been nonstop since he was born. I am beyond thankful for him and my life. However, to get alone time or a makeover is hard to come by these days.

This opportunity would be amazing!

I would love to sit back and enjoy a break from my everyday life. My fiancé is full-time Monday through Friday, and we are always too busy on the weekends to make any time for us. This opportunity would be amazing!

I think I deserve a makeover day because I’m always wearing the same thing! One day, I was up running around and trying to get things ready for a busy day of errands! I had the baby dressed and ready to go. I finished getting myself ready and gathered my things. Once I got to my first destination, I realized that I forgot to put on mascara and a bra!!!!!! I was sooo embarrassed because I had no time to go back and grab it. It just shows how crazy it is to have a baby and get yourself together too!


I am a thirty-five-year-old single working mama to Collin, age nine. He’s a three-sport athlete: basketball, football, baseball.

I spend so much time looking after the needs of others...

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since I was eleven, and my son was also diagnosed at age seven. I’ve been a registered nurse (RN) for thirteen years, and I’ve worked in hospice for the past eight years. For the past four years, I’ve worked at Kindred Hospice in Farmington as the manager of clinical practice. I volunteer for Shared Blessings in Bonne Terre every Monday, and I look over the residents’ progress towards their goals of independent living.

I volunteer for rEcess in Festus the first Friday of each month. It gives children with disabilities and their siblings a night out so that their parents have a few hours of date night and free babysitting. Our goal is to make it “the best night of the month” for these children. I live in Desloge, where I was born and raised, in a neighborhood near my tribe of close family and friends.

I spend so much time looking after the needs of others. A day of pampering and relaxation sounds delightful!


I’m thirty years old, and I am a teacher at West County! I have three kiddos ages five, nine, and eleven. I also babysit kids after school, so I always have children with me from morning until night ❤️.

I literally can’t even go to the bathroom

I literally can’t even go to the bathroom or take a shower without my kids or animals following me everywhere I go! I have children attached to my hip all day long!! I love my school kids and my own kids, but I need a little break!!

CONTESTANT #4: Chelsea

I am a single mom of two amazing kiddos, ages nine and five. I work as a nurse at Southeast ER, and I am currently attending SLU to earn my nurse practitioner degree.

...It wasn’t a pajama day.

When I’m not working or studying, my kiddos and I love to hike, play soccer, see movies, or hang out at home together. I deserve a makeover day because when picking my oldest up from school recently, he asked me, “How was pajama day mom?”

...It wasn’t a pajama day.


My name is Jordan, and I am married to the kindest, funniest, and most selfless man. His name is Cody. We’ve been together for almost twelve years and married for nearly three.

Sometimes a mom needs a break...

We became parents on July 17th of 2017. Our little girl, Maisyn, has changed our lives completely. She’s full of sugar and spice and more spice! She’s our little spitfire! We live on a farm right outside of Jackson. We have dogs, cows, a few goats, and a donkey. Hopefully this spring we’ll add some chickens! We live a pretty simple life. Cody and I both work full-time jobs.

I don’t have a sad/funny story to tell. I just haven’t done anything for myself lately. My husband is busy finishing our garage and doing his side job. I haven’t had my nails done since the week before she was born. Manicures aren’t something I did often, but they sure are nice every now and then. I don’t have the time to learn about applying makeup properly. Some powder and mascara and I’m good for the day! Haha! Sometimes a mom needs a break and a relaxing makeover day. :)

CONTESTANT #6: Patricia

I am a certified x-ray tech and a stay-at-home MOM. We are a family of five with three beautiful children: twelve, thirteen, and fourteen. They are my world.

...every girl deserves a ME day!

They are involved in a lot of activities, and I ALWAYS put them first. I hope they truly know how much I LOVE them with all my heart. My husband and I are high school sweethearts with twenty-three years of marriage. Although it is never easy, my LOVE for him is still the same as it was in tenth grade.

I deserve a makeover because I always put others first. Whether it’s lifting patients at work, being at home with my husband and his recent disabilities from heart attacks and verifying his diabetes medications at Walgreens, or taking care of our AMAZING kiddos, I’m always busy! I would LOVE to leave it all for a ME day... but, I would not change my life for anything in this world. The ups and downs, the trials, the triumphs— every girl deserves a ME day! I hope whoever is lucky enough to win really enjoys it!

CONTESTANT #7: Jennifer

I am the mom of four wonderful children ages seven, eleven, nineteen, and twenty. I am also a wife, homemaker, lawn care worker, nurse, teacher, taxi… the list goes on! But I am a PROUD mom of two United States Marines who are currently deployed.

I haven’t left my children overnight since my oldest graduated boot camp in 2016.

My husband and I own a small lawn care and landscaping company in Ste. Genevieve that we built from the ground up as a family. My mother used to keep my hair up-to-date, but I lost her in June 2017. It seems I never have time to take care of myself because, with my hectic life, self-care comes last on my list. Oh, I forgot to add: we have four turtles and two dogs, PLUS I have about ten adoptive kids since my boys are gone and their friends come over to keep us company.

There is nothing sad about why I need a makeover. The funny part is I haven’t had a haircut in a year! I haven’t been on a date with my husband in well over five years, and I haven’t left my children overnight since my oldest graduated boot camp in 2016. That’s a story for another time… never leave your four-year-old girl with a bunch of boys who think taking her for pancakes at 3 am, Rhodes for candy, and driving her around in the park is a way to put her to sleep. Regardless if I win or not, I know I’m a real winner because being a mother to twenty kids, four from birth, is worth every gray hair, every no-makeup day, every stained pair of sweatpants. It’s all about the memories I make by not being the made-up MOM!


We’re gloating parents of two little people: Rylan, our rowdy 6-year-old boy, and Reagan, the 1-year-old busy body. I’m a commercial account manager, and my hubby is a lineman.

My proudest title is Mommy

“Mommy, Mommy” a hundred times a day,

Cooking, cleaning, chauffeur, work, laundry, it never goes away.

Five-minute showers are all Mom gets,

Hurry, hurry before the baby throws fits.

Come home from work, and the real duty begins,

Pick up the kids, supper, bath- time for Mom when?

Teacher, nurse, the list never ends!

Homework, story time, boo-boos to mend.

Sun up to sun down and all in between,

My proudest title is Mommy. We are definitely Queens.


I’m a working mother who manages complex project implementations of electronic medical record systems in hospitals all over the nation. I’m so proud of the work our company does to bring quality health care to people in all areas, and I find myself investing a lot of time into my work. However, I also have a three-year-old son who lights up my life and gives meaning to everything!

I am all too familiar with the “homeless momma” look...

Since I do work out of my home, I often get to the end of a day and realize I had zero time to shower or make myself feel and look great. How fun it would be to be refreshed and recharged as a beautiful feeling and looking momma and wife!!

I am all too familiar with the “homeless momma” look as I hurry to get my son, our two dogs, and my husband fed and dressed before going off to school or work each morning. I definitely want to make sure they are looking and feeling their best, so who cares if I look like the crazy lady in workout clothes and terrible hair each morning when I drop my son off?! Ha! I’m afraid I’ve gotten too comfortable with the “work-from-home” look. Who has time to actually shower and get dressed in something other than comfy clothes when you’re managing people, a job, a team, a toddler, two dogs, a husband, and a household!? This is me, though, and I’m proud of it all.


I am a high school English teacher and full time college student earning my masters. I will complete my degree in May. I've been married to my husband for almost 14 years. Together, we have five children: three adult children and two at home, ages 12 and 13. We have a Border Collie and two Calicoes, so I really want to win so I can own something not covered in hair! Haha!

Please pick me!

I. Am. Exhausted.

I teach.

I learn.

I commute.

I care for my family.

I always put myself last.

I recently lost 75 lbs. Im graduating with my masters in English in May. I'd love a chance at a makeover to reward all my hard work and help me move forward! Please pick me!

Good Luck Ladies!

Keep up to date on The 573 Mommy Makeover, and other contests, events, and casting calls at or by following us on Facebook!


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